15 of the Best UI Kits of 2017
0With flat design still prevailing in the web design industry this year, and powerful illustrations, fonts and textures continue to dominate as major design elements, the UI design is becoming more and more dynamic. However, as the competition in web design grows, so does the demand of latest UI kits that enable the designers to do more in less time.
Having said that, freebies like high quality UI kits are quite hard to find, especially when you’re looking for the most unique options available online. Keeping this in consideration, I am presenting to you a list of 15 of the best UI kits that are high quality and most up-to-date. Let’s take a look at the following.
1. Stark
A highly customizable UI kit, Stark UI Kit comes with smooth components, attractive elements and useful categories. The elements can be used for ecommerce website, business website or a blog. Stark UI kit is truly universal as it can be adapted to both Latin and Arabic based languages.
2. Routes
Routes UI Kit has been developed for iOS with a variety of categories. The elements can be used for login/ sign up forms, social media, business or ecommerce website, menu items and much more. Routes has all elements in vector form with beautiful color schemes and minimal design.

3. Summer
As the name says, summer UI kit features bright and vivid elements that are highly customizable for any theme. The kit comes in PSD and Sketch files that include buttons, dropdowns, login form, chat, calendar and much more.

4. Prometheus
Prometheus UI kit has been developed as a clean, simple and modern UI kit that would suit the needs of any website or blog. It features free Google fonts, organized layers and all elements in vector form so you can scale them to any size.

5. iPhone 6 UI
It is a free UI kit especially developed for iPhone 6 native apps. However, due to the high customization it offers, the elements can modified to almost all iOS phone versions. You can use it for Instagram-like applications that revolve around creating user profiles, sharing content and receiving response.
6. July Flatish
This interesting UI kit is a combination of flat design elements that have been created for a weather related desktop layout. The UI offers PSD files organized and available for download. July Flatish has an enticing color combination and can hold all the important date efficiently.
7. Take
Take is a free UI kit designed for a websites that promotes a mobile app. The clean and minimal template has well-organized PSD files and the design is based on Twitter bootstrap 12 grid layout.

8. Food & Drink
This free to download UI kit has everything you may need to design food and drink related website, mobile app or blog. Available in both PSD and Sketch version, it has easy to use elements and aesthetically pleasing design.

9. Invoices
Designed with invoicing application concept in mind, Invoices is a dark themed mobile UI kit with a variety of buttons, menus, graphs and charts. The template can also very well be used for an existing app’s invoicing or check out page.

10. Clean & Modern iOS UI Kit
The provided kit constitutes different interfaces of many mobile applications: introduction screen for roaming and guidance, esthetical sign up and login screens, a screen for designing news sections for your app, a calendar screen, a user ID screen, moreover it also shows your most viewed sections of the apps. Avail it from the link below.

11. Pink Flat UI
This concept kit has available PSD files for instant download. It includes: login form, search buttons, loading bars, community stats, video player, calendar, weather and extended weather widgets. You can change the color theme as you like because this kit provides you editing access. So whatever element you need, you can acquire it from this kit.

12. Music App UI
This free UI kit is meant for creating a Music App for iOS users. This design effectively intermingles with the brand new iOS design module due to its explicit nature. If you are having difficulty in designing music app, feel free to use this iPhone Music App.

13. Facebook Material Design
By creating a delightful browsing experience to keep users interested and engaged in daily Facebook activities, designers are diligently working on it. This kit is built on top of Facebook’s existing design to provide you the same designing experience through standard of material design. This kit is meant for only Android devices.

14. Instagram UI Material Design
Like Facebook, Instagram solely depends on its design functions. This is an Instagram User Interface concept which uses material design as base of the design. Such concept will be successful in near future. This kit will help you in creating your own Instagram-like app.

15. iOS Livejournal Redesign Concept
One of the most popular social networking platforms in Russia and America is Livejournal. It helps you to design your own blog, where you can share your views on particular topics and receive feedback for them. You can also create your own online diary and journal. The iOS Livejournal Redesign Concept is a mobile phone UI kit that exhibit Livejournal design and is easily accessible to all designers. This freebie kit has everything you need for app designing related to blogging.
Which mobile UI kit will you obtain? Don’t miss a chance, hit download.