Another Free Flash Components, Enjoy!!
0AFComponents has a collection of free Flash components to download with full suport. The available components are very useful and is AS2 components. Below are a list of the available components
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IMG Thumbnail Gallery Flash component is a fully customizable and scalable tool for displaying dynamic slide shows. Component supports XML, RSS 2.0 as well as direct data input. All of the component properties can be modified to seamlessly integrate with your project.
Flow List Component loads external images and creates a 3D flow animation. Flexible API makes it easy to integrate this component into your web application. At only 40K (raw) Flow List is the perfect tool for displaying dynamic image sets.
- Variable image size
- Fully scalable
- RSS and RSS 2.0 Feeds
- Direct data entry
- Dynamic reflections
- Compatible with UIScrollBar Component
The Media List component is an adaptable list that can be used as a navigation for a variety of media. It allows you to easily scroll to, and select items in the list, with a clear indication of which item is selected. Media List will work for your simple project, or for a more advanced project with it’s full list of ActionScript methods and events (see API Documentation for more information).
- Custom scrollbar support
- XML and RSS support
- Ability to completely style the list with padding, margin, colors, fonts, width, height, etc.
- Custom “active icon” support

The FLV Player component provides standard user interface controls (play, pause, stop, etc) for Flash video playback.
- Enhanced Skinning
- Fully Scalable
- Flash Media Server Integration
- Custom Status Messages

Map Component displays geographical locations and polylines, allowing for easy map navigation. Component uses Equidistant Cylindrical Map Projection and Longitude and Latitude position data to display location points. Component also allows user to set a custom map and location icon.
Complete Map Skinning
Create Custom Location Icons
XML Support
Latitude / Longitude location coordinates
Integrated Tooltip Component