Are You Right or Left Brain Thinker
Do you feel like a developer or a designer? whatever your feelings are, actually it has a relation with another factor than just feelings, it depends on your brain right and left parts. Lets see how your brain power can affect your desire to be an inspired designer and guru developer.
Sarah is a high school girl who is thinking in building her future and start her own career in the web field dreaming to have her own web profile and may be her own business. I can remember those many questions she asked me in her email, and how much she was confused and worry about choosing the right pass to take. She named to me number of software tools that gather between both designing and developing tools, therefor I got the idea that Sarah is missing one important question to ask. Should I learn to be web designer, web developer or both?
I replied “Lets see, do you want to be a web designer or we developer?”, she told me that she does not know and she is still new into this. Actually, this situation has repeated many times that I thought it is a good idea to spill all about it in this article.
One of the important aims I put into my mind when trying to advice ambition people like Sarah is to know what he or she does not know about his or herself. So, the question I used to ask which do you like the most drawing or math? The aim of this question is to know the real talent inside this person. If you used to love drawing, then you are more like a design targeted and if you like to do math and calculations, then you are more to be developing targeted.
Finding your strength is the most important step to find your career. When you have the initiation to excel in a field can help you moving forward easier and fast than having a career where your skills does not fit well with it.
Right Brain and left Brain
Actually, my question to find the real skills in your mind is based on a theory about right and left brain. Roger W Sperry, an American psychobiologist, had a research in 1960 that discovered that the human brain is divided into two main sections in regard to thinking, right brain which is responsible on emotions, Subjective processing to information and have a whole look to information received, and the left brain which is responsible on logic, objective processing to information and look to the receive information step by step till complete a whole look to the situation.
Based on the comparison between right and left brain created by Marion Boddy-Evans on The right brain thinkers are more talented in skills related to focus to images, feelings, touching and feeling objects…etc. The left brain thinkers are more talented in skills related to logic, planning and observation…etc.
As a conclusion of this comparison, people who got skills in looking to images and ability to feel objects are more like to be designers than developers, vise versa, the people who got logic and objective skills are more like to be developers and their nature can help them excel in their career in developing.
Meanwhile, some people are having equal skills in both fields which can help them in both fields but most of the people are having more powerful part than the other.
Why Should I Care
The idea behind mentioning this theory is to use it to find the nature skills inside you that can help you excel in either being a designer or developer.
It is like swimming in same direction of the wave or against it, when you swim in the same waves’ direction, it would be much faster and less hard to achieve you target point.
You do not have to judge your skills through the theory, but you can judge it based on a hobby you liked to do when you were young or a skill you used to excel in school.
The nature always has its influence on us without we realize this especially when we are young unless we got parents that can explore these skills and develop it.
How Can I Know My Brain
The right brain thinkers and left brain thinkers are having the same brain shape, so the X-ray will not help find out if you are left or right brain thinker, but the good news that you can find out this through digging into your skill while you young as we mentioned or through test like this one.
Finally, the idea is to discover your nature and the initiative power you got by nature and start to find your career based on this nature, this will help you develop your skills better and give you a good ability to get excel and compete with others people in the field that do not have your skills or even did not try to search behind their real excel points.
Thanks Rafiq for this article. I’ve been myself thinking a lot about this. I think now I know I am a left brainer.
.-= ghabuntu´s last blog ..Allmyapps- A cool way to use the Ubuntu Software Center on Windows =-.
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This post was mentioned on Twitter by fazai38: RT: @rafiqelmansy: Are You Right or Left Brain Thinker? Developer or designer? –…
It don’t think it works like that !
I’m definitely right-brained. I even think better laying down. At school, my strengths were Art, Mathematics, Science or Computing. Subjects that can be conceptualised visually. Or accessed via intelligence rather than having to learn lots of facts. My weaknesses were Languages, Literature, History… fact or language based subjects. Boring left-brained list stuff.
So I don’t think the left-right fence separates design from development. I’ve known gifted software experts, and gifted mathematicians who are very RIGHT-brained.
I studied computing-related subjects at bachelors and masters level. But I also did a stint at Art School.
Over the years, I’ve compensated for my weaknesses. I’ve been involved in creative writing and worked as an English teacher. But I’m not naturally gifted here the way I am in Art, Mathematics or Computing.
Right and left brain thinking is actually a myth. We all use our full brain to think. A better description is that one side of the brain focuses on details to big picture while the other side focuses big picture to detail. The thought process goes from one side to the next and we truly do think with our whole brain but there are biases.
Im surprised you didn’t show the spinning girl illusion. If it spins left or right depends on which brain side you basis.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by cheth, Mike Lane, Martin Newham, Kawsar Ali, WPstudios and others. WPstudios said: RT @cheth Are You Right or Left Brain Thinker? – rt @mlane […]
I used to think a lot about wich way to go too. I’m young too, I just finished high school. Before high-school I used to spend a lot of time drawing, but I was good at math too. I started to learn programming one year before high-school. At high-school I realised I exceled at math, programming and physics.
I started making simple websites when I was 14-15. Today, I think I am a bit better as a developer, but I just can’t leave design apart, so I am doing both (and besides I invested a lot of my time in photography).
.-= Adi Ulici´s last blog ..Culori de toamna (Frunze de toamna II) =-.
I am totally right brained. Although I’m good at logic as well, but number crunching is beyond me 🙂
.-= Cashmere Lashkari´s last blog ..Answers to the Trivia Quiz =-.
im 54% left and 52% right according to one on the tests on that link, so that is extremely unhelpful, i fit with some characteristics from both but i think anyone could say that because they were quite general
Actually, most people are not full right or left brain, so do not worry. It is helpful to get the advantages of each skills 😉
Its nice to share with my friends in facebook. Hope they find out ideas how to use the brain.
.-= dlysen´s last blog ..Goals of Leadership =-.
That’s a new thing i have heard about that human brain is divided into two parts.. A better description is that one side of the brain focuses on details to big picture while the other side focuses big picture to detail. Great
A better description is that one side of the brain focuses on details to big picture while the other side focuses big picture to detail.
That is a very good article..and very informative as well.Right and left brain thinking is actually a myth. We all use our full brain to think. A better description is that one side of the brain focuses on details to big picture while the other side focuses big picture to detail.
A better description is that one side of the brain focuses on details to big picture while the other side focuses big picture to detail… i agree with some characteristics from both but i think anyone could say that because they were quite general.
Right and left brain thinking is actually a myth. We all use our full brain to think. A better description is that one side of the brain focuses on details to big picture while the other side focuses big picture to detail.
Im young I better cram the rest of my learning in I guess.
Interesting article indeed. Not many people pay emphasis on such things. Even after reading the article I started to notice who uses which part of brain. Let’s see if the conclusion is right..