Google Chrome Operation System, OS for web!!
I know what just come to your mind when you saw this post title!! Yes it is true, Google is developing a new operation system that is inspired from Google Chrome project. The new Google Chrome OS which is expected to be released by the second half of 2010 is designed to people who mostly use the web for their activity more than the normal desktop activities.
However, the operating systems that browsers run on were designed in an era where there was no web. So today, we’re announcing a new project that’s a natural extension of Google Chrome — the Google Chrome Operating System. It’s our attempt to re-think what operating systems should be.
Speed, simplicity and security
While the existing OS was designed when there was no web, the new Google OS is designed to consider the web user needs from scratch. However, it is implementing Rich Internet Application technology to design an OS that is suitable for all users and computers and netbook.
The basic three features that will remark the new Google OS is the speed, simplicity and security that are the most important features any web user is seeking in any web browser.
Speed, simplicity and security are the key aspects of Google Chrome OS. We’re designing the OS to be fast and lightweight, to start up and get you onto the web in a few seconds. The user interface is minimal to stay out of your way, and most of the user experience takes place on the web. And as we did for the Google Chrome browser, we are going back to the basics and completely redesigning the underlying security architecture of the OS so that users don’t have to deal with viruses, malware and security updates. It should just work.
Google Chrome OS and Android
While Andriod was designed to work in multiple devices, Google Chrome OS is designed to work on a wide range of computers that vary from netbook to big desktop computers.
Google Chrome OS is a new project, separate from Android. Android was designed from the beginning to work across a variety of devices from phones to set-top boxes to netbooks. Google Chrome OS is being created for people who spend most of their time on the web, and is being designed to power computers ranging from small netbooks to full-size desktop systems. While there are areas where Google Chrome OS and Android overlap, we believe choice will drive innovation for the benefit of everyone, including Google.
google me excited again. A moment to look out of the operating system before the new Chroma