Ten Vector Tutorials that Every Designer Needs
There are some Illustrator and vector tutorials that are commonly needed and used in the illustration field. In this post, I collected some of the useful vector tutorials that is commonly used in many vector effects and artwork.
In addition to the below tutorials, you can check the following tutorials:
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Illustrator Tutorial: Fireworks for New Year

Learn how to create fireworks shapes in Adobe Illustrator through this useful tutorial.

In this tutorial, you will learn to create the cartoon character Hippo in Illustrator.

With integrating both Adobe Illustrator and Google Sketchup application, you will learn in this tutorial how to create gemstone in 3D.

Are you bored of the ordinary charts shapes, here you will learn how to create glossy effect charts or graphs.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create spray splatter in Adobe Illustrator

Do you want to create gift box, here you will learn how to create a vector gift box that can be resized to any size.

Learn how to create this amazing text effect in Adobe Illustrator and in vector format.

This monster is done in few steps that will amaze you how much easy it is.

Learn how to create television vector icon with reflection and details.

turn your photography into vector art by following this tutorial steps.
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