Way Cool Adobe Illustrator Tutorials
13In my opion, the best practice to learn about the tips and tricks in Adobe Illustrator is to learn through how-to tips ans tricks tutorials.
In this post, Some of the most amazing Illustrator tutorials and vector art tutorials that will help you get idea about how to use each of the Illustrator tools and features. There are also another amazing collections of Illustrator tutorials here:
- Ten Vector Tutorials that Every Designer Needs
- Amazing Vector Tutorials Collection
- 10 Most Wanted Vector Tutorials
- 12 Amazing Vector Tutorials
Design with Flair from Start to Finish in Illustrator CS4
This Illustrator tutorial will teach you how to covert bitmap photo to vector and apply this amazing effect on it.
Creating a Cut-out style Illustration from a Photo Template

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a vector eye illustration based on a real image.

Learn from this scratch how to create this nice balloon step by step in Adobe Illustrator.

I am sure you will like to learn how to create these cute illustrator birds. This tutorial will digg into the steps to create such nice vector birds in Illustrator.

Also, this tutorial, will teach you how to build vector objects in Illustrator and will take the example of creating vector flower.

Learn how to create cartoon character from scratch in Adobe Illustrator. This tutorials goes through the process of creating this nice character from the step zero on paper till the final step on Adobe Illustrator.

Give your Flash game design vector effect and look, this article discusses how to create Flash game resources in Adobe illustraotr such as Illustrator backgrounds and characters.

This unique tutorial is one of the unique tutorials that teaches how to create an illustration of a ship based on a real diagram of a real ship. If you like to learn more about creating vector ships, I recommend starting with this great one.

This tutorial will teach you how to create differnet vector gears shapes in details.

Now, it is the time to learn some Illustrator text effect. This tutorial shows hwo to create masked text effect in Illustrator.

Start with a bitmap photo, this tutorials teached how to convert this bitmap image into vector portrait in Adobe Illustrator.

Do you like to creat your own twitter icon? Some knod of unique icon that is only in your site. Here, you will learn how to create twitter icon in Adobe Illustrator.

This tutorial shows how to use the 3D feature in Illustrator to create 3D vector vases in Adobe Illustrator.

This amazing tutorial shows how to create comic book style graphic art from scratch to the final step.

And this article teaches how to create vector logo like the above one in Adobe Ilustrator.
Hi Rafiq,
Thanks so much for this post *_~
It is almost like you knew I needed illustrator tutorials for my digital drawing class
I am going through the birds tonight, they are cute
This is an amazing collections of tutorials, thanks os much
Hi Johnny,
Actually, I thought of you when I was doing this post 😉 Wish you all the luck with your AI lessons
thanks rafiq:) the class is going great, and I am learning a lot too:)
hi Rafiq
thank you so much , coz of u and other great guys im doing good with PS and AI , now im working on FLASH can u please tell me the best way to learn flash CS4 ,shokran ,
Thanks for the round up. The tuts absolutely useful.
.-= Kuswanto´s last blog ..Inking Tutorial With Photoshop =-.
Hi Taz,
Thanks alot for your nice words. There are many sites and resources to learn Flash CS4. You can visit http://www.lynda.com for video tutorials. or find some useful books at http://www.peachpit.com, they got alot of good Flash books.
Also, you can find sites that provide free Flash tutorials such as flashkit.com.
Hope this helps
hi ,
Thanks to share your tutorial.
Great piece of collection,impressed with your tutorials
thanx again
Deepak Sudera (Deesu)