Creative Digital Paper Cutouts By Eiko Ojala
0The digital paper cutouts project is one of the unique ideas by Estonian illustrator and designer, Eiko Ojala. In this project, Eiko uses his passion to forms of shapes and its relation with light and shadows. Unlike the traditional collage and paper art, his artwork is totally digital and depend on minimal digital design to visualize realistic paper cutouts. Eiko uses the light and shadows to achieve this deceiving impression.
The illustrations below show his interest in the minimal style in design, which limits the design to the minimum number of lines and colors. While this style seems to be simple, it is very challenging because it focuses on the idea and the concept behind the artwork. For example, the ideas below is limited in colors and the major factor the makes it look like a rela paper is the shadows he creates to define shapes in a very talented way.
Eiko Ojala is a winner of many design contests and he has been nominated to the “Young Illustrators Award” and YCN Award. His work appears in many large companies such as Sunday Times, New York Times, V&A Museum, Harvard Business Review, and Dwell magazine.
I hope you enjoy his artwork below and you can find more of his illustrations in his portfolio website here.