Premium Stock Flash Cartoon Animation
0Adobe Flash is one of the most important application to create cartoon animation especially for the web in SWF format. The Flash cartoon animation can be used in websites, banners, DVD, and video content.
In today’s premium resources post, I would like to provide two stock Flash cartoon animation sequences that can be used in your projects, banners and Flash animation.
The first stock Flash is for a woman setting in front of a computer and typing on the keyboard. The second animation is for a funny walking dog. You can use these stock Flash animation in SWF format or you can export it as video formats such as QuickTime and AVI.
The Flash files are easy to use and modify to be able to implement in your Flash project or website animated content.
You can click on the images below to preview each animation in a new webpage:
Typist Flash Cartoon Animation
Walking Dog Flash animation
The Flash animation files are in FLA format with 500 X 300px dimensions and 25 fps. The files are available in both CS4 and CS5 Flash versions.
[amember_protect guests_only] If you are already a Premium Member then just sign in and you can download the Flash FLA source files for the above Flash cartoon animation.Not a member? Sign up today or read more about our Premium Member area.
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Download the FLA source Flash files for the above cartoon animation by clicking the button below: